Kat is in the spotlight!
Heey! Here comes the interview with my lovely twinsister Kat!
// Marru
Producer: Mr Daydreamer.
With me today on "Spotlight" I have my soulmate, couronnerival, aka Katjziska.
Enjoy :)
What is your real name?
How old are you?
How about your civil status?
I´m engaged with a dork named Martin, or as you know him "Mr Daydreamer".
And whats the story behind you meeting this "dork" (you do know it's me your talking
about ^^?) =D
Well, it´s a long story, we had an "evil eye" for eachother from the beginning because
once I "stole" his points with another account that I had.
But one evening he challenged me to take some points back, it ended up us playing half the
night, and having fun.
It was just luck that I accepted his challange this night, I usually just ignored
them because I thought he was a prick lol..
Me and marru were drinking so she came to watch us play. We were goofing around as
always and MrD got curious and started asking questions and soon enough he started
goofing along with us.
Ok so you became friends and hung out or what? How did you meet up in real life?
Yep. The first thing you checked when you got out of bed was if he was online ;)
We met in real life four months after we started to play. It could have been much
sooner, but it was some things that had to be cleared up before that.
But when we met it was totally right from the beginning.
Ok enough about the dork.
How did you get in contact with shockplay from the beginning?
My ex boyfriend introduced me to Shockplay and I got stuck, this was in the
beginning of year 2003.
Ok, but did you have friends in here or you easily found friends or what?
I mean how the heck did you get so good so fast?
No didn´t have any friends from the beginning, I just collected them on the way ;)
As most I had 140+ friends on my list, but it just didn´t work out, they all were too
anxious to play me, it didn´t go many seconds before someone sent me a message
asking to play, it got too much for me, but it all sorted when I started dating
Mr Daydreamer in year 2005, you could see big difference in the interest in me lol ;)
From getting messages all the time to vanish to almost nothing.
But I still have my favourites that I have known for a long time :)
Ok, tell us about your favourites, who are/where they?
I have had many friends in different periods of time.
One of them who I miss very much is Jlinares who no longer is active at Shockplay.
He will always be my Jman.
Miss Swingers I would marry if I was lesbian, lol, we are best friends.
Payne is one member I´ve known even before Mr D and still are good friends
One fun person I´ve lost contact with is Mathe, too bad.
Wolf is one of the nicest persons on Shockplay.
And Ittoj/R.I.K is a muppet just like me. :)
Peppie have always been a nice challange and fun to play with.
The people I have most fun with nowadays are Cheese, Woodchip and ittle boo.
Of course there are lots of more fun players on Shockplay, these are my nearest friends,
but new friends are always welcome :)
Don't worry marru, you and me are automatically accounted for :)
Whats your goals, what do you want to achieve by being a member at shockplay?
I don´t have any particular goals, I´m just here for a good time, to have fun with
my friends and meet new people :)
But there are some people that want to see you back in the couronne league, isn't there a goal
to make it to elit, and maybe get a gold?
Not at the moment, but things can change. If I find the motivation that is.
Ok, in your opinion. Who is the best player of all time?
Best Couronne player? -rocketpimp-
Best Backgammonplayer? Red Fear
And best Table Tennis player? Wickey27
How about you and table tennis, we got a question from a member.
Why did you stop playing table tennis?
Well I had to quit because there were a nerve causing pain in my arms during pregnancy,
I was on top of my game, so it was boring that I had to quit so I never got around to start
again :(
So you are going to allow Mr D to be the best Table Tennis player in the family? :)
No way. I still beat him once we play, even though he is active in the upperdivisions in league :)
Yeah she is right :( I'm in need of practice..
But there is 1 game where you seem to be unbeatable? Tell us about the game, your ranked nr 1
on shockplay in it?
Yes it´s Shanghai Multiplayer. I´m quick in this game, too bad there are too few people who play this game.
The only one who have beaten me recently is marru.
but I blame it on she was in the same room as me and I couldn´t concentrate lol ;)
As a witness I can say this, marru couldn't keep her mouth shut! =D
Ok we are running out of time here so I'm gonna jump to another question.
When this new version of shockplay arrives, there will hopefully be brand new games coming out.
Are there any particular game you would like to see on shockplay?
And are there any more leagues that you would like to have?
I´ve always wanted Airhockey and Shanghai league on Shockplay, so
it would be a nice surprise if it showed up.
Otherwise I´m satisfied with the games that already are there.
Ok ehrm, another member wants to ask you, for this last question.
How many children do you want to have?
If I knew that all the children would turn out like the daughter we have today Isabell 2 years,
I would have a million :D
I´ve always thought of having 3 children, but time will tell :)
Thanks Katjziska for being here with me today.
Not that I like you being better than me but just as well we tell the world about it :P
Thank you for watching, don't miss next weeks "Spotlight"
Untill next week. Have fun :)