Golden Tour round 3


Top 3 in every group right now is:

Gr. 1:
1. Zimond 13-1
2. Tallulah 12-2
3. Webdesigner 11-3

Gr. 2
1. Gäddan 10-0
2. Nippeh 8-0
3. Puffe 7-0

Gr. 3
1. Goldstar 10-1
2. Jimpan.jl 9-0
3. ididit 6-5

Gr. 4
1. Hektor 11-0
2. Mc All In 8-4
3. Mr Daydreamer 8-3

Gr. 5
1.A Proud Romanista!! 14-0
2. SINGER 10-4
3. ¤¤¤90%¤¤¤ 10-3

Gr. 6
1. Kliffhanger 12-1
2. Tiny Acorns 11-2
3. DIF SM 08 11-2

Gr. 7
1. Päron 11-1
2. Daca 8-2
3. johank87 5-6

Gr. 8
1. andreasaswardh 13-1
2. ZiggeTheDog 9-1
3. Cronos 8-4


04-28 Golden round 3

Now its down with 8 groups,  i have hope after first round that all should try play but nopp:/

So now its been only 8 groups, this time i think and hope all rotten apples was gone and only players who try play there games are left.

Nu är vi nere i 8 grupper då, jag hade hoppats efter runda 1 att alla skulle försöka spela sina matcher men nopp:/

Så nu blir det 8 grupper kvar, den här rundan tror och hoppas jag att rötäggen är borta och alla försöker lira sina


Copy off dacas blogg
130 players remains in golden tour, top 16 to final, 3 qualmonths remains.. good luck everyone!
1. Zimond 200

1. Gäddan1 200

1. Godisguden 200

1. Mr Daydreamer 200

5. Scandal player 190

5. A proud romanista 190

5. Dentist 190

5. Cronos 190

5. andreasaswardh 190

10.Masterhand 180

10.Päron 180

10.Route66 180

10.Braverymonkey 180

10.Betterthanyouthink 180

15.Katjziska 170

15.Tallulah 170

15.MrCarl 170

-------------------------------- Players above this line is ready for final so far.

18.Johank87 160

18.Spiiik 160

18.Kliffhanger 160

18.Hoppbananen 160

18.Jimpan.jl 160

23.Puffe 150

23.Webdesigner 150

23.Smekarn 150

23.Nippeh 150

27.Dandare 140

27.Hektor 140

27.Hannes 140

27.Singer 140

27.TrancemasterY 140

27.Mularn 140

27.DaCa 140

27.Rednecksmurf 140

27.Roughedge 140

36.RuneBergsjö 135

36.Mayhem 135

36.ididit 135

39.Bratten 130

40.Lanski 125

40.BeeCause 125

40.Ironchefshort 125

40.Marru 125

40.Tiny Acorns 125

46.KroK 120

46.Wolf-illefaciet 120

46.Uppsala 120

46.Cheese 120

50.Trickdog 115

50.¤¤¤90%¤¤¤ 115

50.Romano 115

50.Shamen 115

54.Mc all in 110

54.Zeedie 110

56.PreciousD 105

56.--Mange-- 105

58.Lunch 100

58.SEEDEE 100

58.Zebra 100

58.Tictics 100

62.Cardiak 95

62.North star 95

64.---AJ--- 90

64.IDDE 90

64.Scroung1 90

64.hwgrdr 90

64.T n D 90

64.lillamia 90

64.Scroung1 90

64.hwgrdr 90

64.T n D 90

64.lillamia 90 corre 90

64.Rocketman 90

64.Bordherren 90

64.Jerouclas 90

64.Kokkinos 90

75.Hockeyfreak 86

76.Tummitummi 85

77.DIF SM 08 80

77.Woodchip 80

77.HELLAS!!! 80

77.Ziggythedog 80

77.Houndstooth 80

82.Sniperone 75

82.Dubbel-H 75

82.Tinhatter 75

82.PIxxx 75

82.Gibsonboy 75

87.Playshocker 73

88.Fretzy 70

88.Superfreak 70

88.Bofi 70

88.Scooterbug 70

92.Celinakyle 67

93.xKelsx 65

93.U N 1 K 65

95.Rocky777 63

96.Nssj 58

96.Mickemyss1 58

98.Scott.milker 56

98.+Teresa+ 56

100.Jaanson 55

100.Nightwish8 55

100.Såe 55

100.Göran.rag 55
The to 100 players



04-27 Golden omg 2. Omg överraskning. The Kalkons

Golden runda 2 vinnare och överraskningar


Gr,1 Zimond 14-0 ingen högoddsare direkt..

         DIF SM 08  nytt namn för mig men starkt att bli 3:a där.

Gr 2 Gädda 1:a  höll undan för Hektor 11-1 imponerad av att Hektor redan

         Spelar så bra efter ett så pass långt break.


Gr 3 Scandal alltid med o är med däruppe bra jobbat.

        Tycker nog Johank87 gjort en  riktigt bra omgång i en SVÅR grupp 3:a där inte

        Inte lätt.


Gr 4 IM Pope 13-4.  Tallulah måste bli överaskningen 2:a där int spelat mot

        Dem så svårt att skriva nått mer.


Gr 5 MrD besegrat starkt ddJ. Tycker nog att de corre gjort en bra



Gr 6 Braverymonkey 1:a nu viade du vad du kan:P

        MrCarl med där framme bra gjort.


Gr7 Päron inget (päronJ  kanon.

       Daca  med igen, trots prob som flera av oss at inte få spela

       Prestige med bäst i familjen, väntar en runda innan jag

       Sätter min slant, men lutar lite åt kal just nu:P


Gr 8 Cronos i form svårstoppad då.

         Zebra impad mannen utan deffar 4:a bra jobbat!!


Gr 9 Andreas heller inte direkt oväntat:P

         Vårare med överraskning Master bra gjort att va med

         Men väljer marru som omg suprise 4a starkt igen.

         Vi skriver så mkt m kat och Master så du får ett perfekt lopp där:P


Gr 10 Godis 1 a      sen så grymt lite spelat så ingen mer än 2 an Dentist 10-3

          På en andra plats!!!

Finns många kalkoner även denna omgång alla som inte ens spelat sina 10

Matcher kasst!

Så min favorit kalkon SEEDEE i min grupp lovar spel och loggar fort ut



Måste även dra upp alla i vanliga ligan som snor matcher och plus så dåligt

Skandal ni ens får va med!!!


Gr.1 Zimond 14-0 no surprise about that

Gr.2 Gädda is the first one, he kept away from Hektor 11-1.
Impressed by Hektor who plays so well after so such long break.

Gr.3 Scandal is always on and up there, well done.
Think Johank87 have done a really good round in a HARD group, he got third there. not so easy.

Gr.4 IM Pope 13-4. Tallulah must be the surprise cause shes the second.
Havent played against them so its hard to write anything more.

Gr. 5 MrD won, strong DD. Think that de corre have made a good round.

Gr. 6 Braverymonkey is the first, now you showed what you can do:P
MrCarl is up there too, well done.

Gr. 7 Päron is not a (pear) Brilliant.
Daca is on again, despite trouble like the rest of us had too-not to be able to play.
Prestige with the best one in the family, Ill wait a round before I bet my money, but it
leans a bit to Carl.

Gr. 8 Cronos is in shape, hard to stop him then.
Zebra, Impressing man without pushing. Forth in group. Well done!!!

Gr. 9 Andreas, not so unexpected either:P
A bit surprising about Masterhand, well done to be up there!
But I choose marru as omg surprise, forth, strong again.
We write so much about Kat and Masterhand, and then you go get a perfect run there :P

Gr. 10 Godis is first. And so little games are played after the second one.
Dentis 10-3 at the second place!!

There are a lot of turkeys even this round, all havent played their 10 games, lousy!!

And my favourite turkey is SEEDEE in my group, he promises games and then logs out fast.

I must bring up all in the regular league too, people who steal games and plus, so bad.
Scandalous you even get to be in!!

Golden round 2

04-14 Halva Golden runda 2
Nu Sållar vi agnarna från vetet:)

Gr1.  Zimond kick all asses även din Puffe:P

Gr2.  Gäddan leker ännu, lång lek på gäddorna i år "S"

Gr3.  Sätter min peng på Scandal.

Gr4.  Spiiik vinner för att banarne inte spelar tillräckligt mycket.

Gr5.  MrD ror hem den. Kat har sytt ihop nerverna nu:)

Gr6.  Proud inget snack!

Gr7.  Päron bäst i längden:)

Gr8.  Cronos vaknat!

Gr9.  Andreas byt namn till andy gädd du leker alltid:)

Gr10. Dentist....


04-14 Half Golden round 2
We are half way thru second round of the golden tour and it is time to see who draws the longest straw?

Gr1.  Zimond kicks all asses even yours Puffe:P

Gr2.  Gäddan plays still, long play on the gäddorna (pikes) this year *L*

Gr3.  Bet my money on Scandal.

Gr4.  Spiiik wins because banarne doesnt play enough.

Gr5.  MrD takes it home. Kat has stitch up the nerves now.

Gr6.  Proud no doubt!

Gr7.  Päron is the best in the long run:)

Gr8.  Cronos has woke up!

Gr9.  Andreas change your name to andy pike you always play around:)

Gr10. Dentist....


Here comes a interview with one of Shockplays many members. Hopefully there will be more.
The interview is made of Mr Daydreamer.

Here is todays contribution of "Spotlight"!

Enjoy / Marru and Mats


With me here today on "Spotlight" I have woodchip

Lets not hold on it, here comes the first question.

Whats your real name?
My name is Scott

Ok Scott, where do you live and with whom?

I live with my mum, dad and brother in Brisbane Australia

How old are you?
28 going on 29

Whats your favourite song, and group?
My favourite song is Fade to black by Metallica

You are as me one of the early members at shockplay, right?

Yes, I'v been member since august 2003

Ok, not that early then ^^
How'd you discover shockplay?

Well it's a funny story, I used to go to the fights with this bloke
and he showed me a site, I played table tennis and putt putt I joined
to play table tennis but got challenged in couronne from Hallstorp I
think it was, then played good players at start
Jaya The Cat was my teacher. RIP

Who was this bloke? Was he a member at shockplay?

No he just played the free games I tried the 3 day trial and been a member since

What do you like best about being a member at shockplay?

The challenge to try and sweep but like backshots aswell I think if
they push I have an extra shot to win, and the friends I make

From what I have heard, you like to play good players only? If so, why?

Well I get bored easy so I like to challenge myself cause I know I can
beat anyone on my day

I believe you've been in division 1 as best, whats the best leaguematch
you ever played, and against who?

well me and Mr Dayderamer had known we would play in league so I waited up till
2am waiting for him and I was only 1 to beat him that week in league, and only 1
to beat him all the way to elite according to him.

Omg, he must have done a bad game then hehe, you guys still friends? :)

I was simply to good for him, and yes we are best mates!

Lets look ahead here for a minute Scott, whats you visions, your plans?

Plans in what?

On shockplay, at the game?
To reach 1000 sweeps

Ok, how long will it take for you to reach 1000 sweeps? Your thought.
6 months lol

About the league? Do you have any particular goals of achievement?

Making elite so i get to play the best players.

Who is the best player up to date in your opinion?

I think Zimond, he sinks mostly red on break and has good backshots, I find him
the hardest to beat.

Ok after Zimond, are you able to make a top 10? In a 1-10 order? Which
players you think are the best here at shockplay.

1 Zimond
2 Puffe
3 Mr Daydreamer
4 Katjziska
5 Muve
6 GodisGuden
7 andreasaswardh
8 Hektor
9 Cronos
10 Päron

There are a lot of different people on shockplay, there are bullies and there
are funny people, can you name 3 people you think are bullies an 3 that are

ok, bullies are
and me prolly lol
Mr D Katjziska and Cheese make me laugh

Just a thought, you like to play good players right, and you live in Australia
not easy to find someone to play in the evenings? How do you solve that?

I play from 430 am till about 10 till 11 depends on how many online and
play a little bit at night

Wow, how do you get up that early?
Go to sleep early lol

Haha patronize me please! What I meant was what makes you go up that early?
Cause theres usually 100 people online

Ok besides shockplay, what do you do for fun?

I bet on horses

What would you do if you won a lot of money?
Buy a lot of shit, or burn it hehe

Whom in you life do you look up to the most?
My mum

How so? If I may ask?
We been through thick and thin and she stood by me all this time

That sound very good.

Now time to brag, what are you best at?
Backshots with no marks

Whats your secret?
I dont have one its just feel

Thats what I'm talking about, brag brag man

Ok last but not least. Who will win elite gold next week?
And who will win the golden tour?

I will demand 1 back up, who will win golden if Zimond does not?


Ok just keep that cocky though! Thats the spirit :)

Oh now you change your mind eh?
Lats word from Scott / woodchip was nah Mr Daydreamer

That ought to be a scandal for some, and would surly be a big surprise,
but I would not mind :P

Thank you Scott for sharing your thoughts and experiences.

We will be back soon with more coverige from "Spotlight"

Producer: Mr Daydreamer

04-01 Golden runda 2

 Grupp 1.  Nja Zimond bör väl ro hem en 100 poängare till!
          Web,Dandare, och Puffe ska väl normalt va med och
          vara med och bråka därbakom om alla får spela
          tillräckligt mycket PUFFE!!! #S#

Grupp 2.  Falun derby? Nu kan ju inte båda ta sina 100 pinnar
          igen men gädda,smekarN,hannes,bör va topp 3.

Grupp 3.  En av de bästa grupperna Better, Kat, Mathe, Mularn,
          Scandal,Siddan. 6 St att bråka med, vore kul att se , Mularn börja lira lite mer igen då blev det riktigt               jämnt.        

Grupp 4.  Oj, svårtippad grupp un1k, TrancemasterY,Bananen,           SINGER. Nån av dem som tar hem  

Grupp 5.  Bör va en given MR D vinst? 90%, Mayhem, Nippeh, Rocketman,Zly en wolf i form kanske kan 
                 ställa till det för nån?    

Grupp 6.  Proud, MrCarl,Bravery, är väl enda hoten mot orebronx.

Grupp 7.  Njaooo Päron,System, Daca, Bratten, Roughedge också
          en bra grupp, börjar väl i ärligheten namn de flesta, grupper att bli när antalet minskades.

Grupp 8.  Cronos är du uppe i gammal form? Då får de nog jaga dig! kokkinos, krossaren, Route66.

Grupp 9.  Masterhand payback time? Jimpan,andreas,Zeedie.krok,
          varför inte Marru? Många om budet.

 Grupp 10. Dentist och Godis nån som förmår skaka om dem tveksam.

                 Gl allihop fega inte nu skriv vad ni tycker om golden           ja rubbet er chans att bli hörda ordentligt och 
                  och att påverka saker.


Golden round 2

Group 1.

Nah, Zimond should take home another 100 points.

Web, Dandare and Puffe should normally be along and fight back in the line if everyone gets to play the same amount of games PUFFE *L*

Group 2.

Falun  Derby? You cant both take 100 points again but gäddan, smekarN and hannes should be top 3.

Group 3.

One of the best groups, Better, Kat, Mathe, Mularn, Scandal, Siddan to fight with, would be fun to see.

Mularn started to play a little more again and then it was really even.

Group 4.

Oh, hard group to forecast, un1k, TrancemasterY, Bananen, SINGER. Is it someone of them who takes home this round?

Group 5.

Should be a given win to Mr D? 90%, Mayhem, Nippeh, Rocketman, Zly , a Wolf in shape might mess it up for someone?

Group 6.

Proud, MrCarl, Bravery are surely the only threats against orebronx.

Group 7.

Hmm, Päron, System, Daca, Bratten, Roughedge, a good group too, well the most are becoming to be since the amount of players reduced.

Group 8.

Cronos are you up in old shape? Then they probably will need to chase you!

Kokkinos, krossaren, Route66

Group 9.

Masterhand payback time? Jimpan, andreas, Zeedie, Krok, why not marru? Many fighting about it.

Group 10.

Dentist and Godis, someone who should shake them up? Doubt it.

Gl everyone dont chicken out now, write anything you think about golden.

Yes everything about golden that comes up in your mind, this is your chance to get heard and affect things.

04-01 Golden:/

Synd med Golden:/
Men man får alltid försöka vara positiv  och tycka det är kul för er 12 som vann grupperna.
12 duktiga lirare som gör upp om golden trofen iaf.
Lycka till alla 12 !!!!


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