Finland won over USA in the quarter final.... we are so happy now wiiiiieee...
Pooor Mr D sat in the middle of me and Kat he didnt dare to do anything other than cheer for Finland with us!!! :D
Me and Kat can be a bit crazy when it comes to watch Finland play lol
We were not supposed to see this game cause it was broadcasted so late but we couldnt resist and glad we didnt skip it, it was a good game!
Finland got a beating in the early game against USA watch this:
But now they got their revenge ;)
Hope we win against Russia too!!! ^^

Some general thoughts. By Mr Daydreamer.
About the game of couronne, league, golden, qulifyers for the Swedish team, and maybe
some other thoughts, players and so on.
Let me start by talking about the Golden Tour, a tour which this month is not that golden
from my point of view.
I started off pretty ok, felt like any other month, besides that I lost a game already in the beginning.
This game was against Hektor, nothing to say about that, good player doing his thing 0-3 :)
But then came the back stab, a few days later I played a player whom didn't play a single defence shot,
yes my rings wheren't nice to me but thats not a reason to lose the game, I played really bad
and Zebra played really well and potted almost everything. 2-3 Yes I was not happy but
I dropped it pretty quick anyway.
Then I played Mayhem a few days back, he started by sweeping red with a following ugly shot
to miss by me :/ 0-3 never really got in to the game, third loss.
Today, well nothing to say about the loss, hoppbananen is a good player, but the way I lost,
thats whats troubeling me for the future matches (0-3 against the jumping banana), still have
bravery to play for example. Guess it doesn't matter as long as I make the playoff though.
The league, gonna keep it short. I started over, I had no motivation in elite. I'm gonna
go for a straight up apperance, this means go straight weeks up to elite and win elite
first apperance, simple. Not simple to do it though, scandalplayer seems to move up this week
but as long as I'm undefeated I guess I can hang :):) Good luck to me ..
The qualifiers for the Swedish national team.
I started very well, played two tap breakers A Proud Romanista!! and Päron. I do feel the
anger rising in me when people tap break, but at the same time my competative side gives
me a rush to simply just wanna win against that low life type of game. Bring it on!! ;P
What I do when someone tap break is that I tap as much as I can the intire set and use
the small advantages I might get myself to outbid my oponent. Not fun but what the hell am
I suppose to do? Funny though is that I pointed out to Päron that I hope they take away
those tap breaks with the new version, and he laughed at me :) All in a friendly fashion of
course. So qualifying group is: 2 down 10 to go if I counted it correctly.
A couple of people that I'd like to mention.
Starting with DaCa: Well done DaCa taking Godis and Puffe to the qualifying groups to let them
show what they are made of. The reason I think it's good is because I'm not sure that their
place in the Swedish team is as solid as people think!
Puffe made an awesome game against Cronos last time, but on the other hand I'm pretty sure Cronos
wouldn't qualify to the Swedish team either if he was a Swede.
The Swedish members are many and they are good. I think we might be in for a surprise or two
when it comes to who is gonna join the others in the battle against the Netherlands.
andreasaswardh: He impresses me, big time. His game has developed even more since he was in elite
last time, Andreas and Zimond are the two by far best players today at shockplay. And I'm not
sure who would win between them in the long run now, few weeks ago it was Zimond. Well done Andreas
hope you win elite this week to show everyone what I'm gonna do in a while, and prove that you
are as good as I say you are.
marru: marru will I believe play in the elite league within 10 to 15 weeks. Also a player
developing her game at a rapid speed, getting more secure in her offence and getting a little
more mean on the table as well, more defence from marru these days and if she developes that
as well she will be a contender in the elite league, playing alongside with andreas, Zimond,
A Proud Romanista!! and so on! Go marru.
Mr Daydreamer: Well, what am I gonna say about my self? Temporary out of order lol
But who is to fix me? I have no idea what I'm doing on the couronne board right now, can't sweep,
play awfully bad losing games I simply will not tolerate to lose. I can't say I'm working on it
though, I lack the interest right now, only motivation I have been able to find last few days is
the qualifying group, I have no idea where the motivation comes from but it's there.
Keep up the spirit everyone, and remember to have fun :)
So long // Mr Daydreamer
Marru about Couronne and Gammon league!
Couronne League
Third week in div 1.
Now I've played my most games in div 1 this week, only got 1 game left and that
is against Kokkinos.
Didnt go so well this week, either? ;)
I have 2-6 in games and here you can see my result:

Havent been too focused, but sure practice makes perfect :D
Btw, congrats MASTERHAND for you just were down in div 1 for a week and went straight up to elite again!=)
seems like you will stick around there next week too! :)
Couronne ligan
Tredje veckan i Div 1.
Nu har jag spelat de flesta av mina matcher i div 1 den här veckan, har bara en match kvar och det
är mot Kokkinos.
Gick inte så bra den här veckan heller va?;)
Jag har 2-6 i matcher och här ser du mitt resultat:
Har inte varit så himla fokuserad, men träning ger färdighet :D
Förresten, grattis till dig MASTERHAND som var nere i div 1 för en vecka för att du tog dig upp till eliten
direkt igen =)
Ser ut som att du blir kvar där nästa vecka med! :)
Now I have been in div 1 for too many weeks, always had a good chance to get back to elite but I havent because
I never had a chance to play all my games!! :(
(Havent got up to elite again since I joined gammon lg after a break, and it feels like that was ages ago)
I dont think the Gammon league are the same anymore! It is so hard to catch ppl in the league, and some get up to div 1. that really cant play the game good, they just get a spot cause the good players resign for some reasons! Bad!
Well... Is it my turn now? Hope so =D
Where are you Battie, I need you ^^,

Nu har jag varit i div 1 för många veckor, har alltid haft en bra chans att ta mig tillbaka till eliten igen
men det har jag inte gjort för att jag inte haft chansen att spela alla mina matcher :(
(Har inte kommit upp till eliten sen jag gick med i gammon ligan efter att ha tagit en paus, och det känns som att det var åratal sedan)
Jag tycker inte att gammon ligan är detsamma längre! Det är så svårt att få tag på folk i ligan, och vissa kommer upp till div 1. som verkligen inte kan spela spelet bra utan får en plats bara för att de bra spelarna gått ur för vissa anledningar! Dåligt!
Jaja...Är det min tur nu? Hoppas det =D
Var är du Battie, Jag behöver dig ^^,
Sooo if I dont get back to elite in gammon soon I will look like this:
Sååå om jag inte kommer upp i eliten i gammon snart igen så kommer jag se ut såhär: Byeebye / Marru
Namnleken fortsätter!
De namn som är tagna iordning:
andreasaswardh, Hektor, rambunctious, Scandalplayer, Renita, A Proud Romanista!!, ArsenalDude,
Emmiz, ZiggyTheDog, Godisguden, NTAF, Feffe2, 2fastforyou, un1k, KroK,Kajun Kitten, Nippeh, Hustle Man, Nerdherd, Dentist, The Commander, Roughedge, Ervadolfi, Ittoj, jewelbox, Xippo, Olin DK, Kingsdaughter, Real Venom, Mayhem, marru, unsound methods, scandalplayer - igen lite fusk va? ;) , R.I.K, KingElvis, Såe
Så nu är det bara o köra på med E, vem kommer ni på med den bokstaven?
Kom igen nu kul om fler joinar :) /marru,mats och katjziska

Shame on you ;)
The ONLY one who dared to send in a pic to me on himself was KroK!! :)
Here it comes:
Btw nice pic hehe
Den ENDA som vågade skicka in en bild på sig till mig var Krok!!
Här ser ni den:
Visst är det en soft bild hehe
Jag skulle vilja leka en namnlek, med början på bokstaven A.
Leken går till på följande sätt, jag skriver ner den första spelaren
jag kommer på som börjar med bokstav A, och plitar ner vad jag tycker/vet
om personen i fråga.
Sen får nästa person fortsätta på den sista bokstaven i spelarens nick,
så spinner vi vidare på detta ;)
Den första spelaren jag kommer att tänka på bokstaven A är andreasaswardh,
tycker att han är en schysst prick, och ruskigt bra på couronne :)
Vilken person är den första du kommer att tänka på bokstav H, skriv o berätta :)
Have fun / Katjziska
MrD delar med sig åsikter om dagens landskamp.
Jag skulle härmed vilja säga några ord om den stundande landskampen.
Som jag givetvis tycker att alla ska komma och kolla på :)
Till en början vill jag snacka lite om det Svenska laget.
Jag tycker att Sverige har en stark trupp, har väl varit starkare förr men
den ska vara fullt duglig för en vinst mot vilken shockplay nation som helst.
Starkaste kortet är Zimond, det råder det nog inget tvivel om tror jag. En ohyggligt
stabil spelare med stor repertoar, framför allt vad det gäller offensiven, men har
även fina taktiska färdigheter, enormt svårslagen. Kommer tror jag vinna mot
King Elvis 2 raka. Vet inte mycket om King Elvis, verkar vara en bra spelare, men Zimme
kommer han inte rubba.
Starkast efter Zimond är enligt mig inte heller någon tvekan om i dagsläget, andreasaswardh.
Har utvecklats mycket som spelare, framför allt offensivt. Han är dessutom en av dom absolut
bästa på det taktiska spelet vid tap breaks, han kommer inte vika ner sig, bra beslut av
DaCa som kunde tagits för länge länge sen. Andreas motståndare Cardiak, bra spelare,
men vad jag vet inte så pigg på det taktiska spelet, en nackdel när man möter Andreas
helt klart.
GodisGuden är alltid och kommer alltid vara GodisGuden, finns inte så himla mycket nytt
att säga om honom, han lär ju vara lika grym som alltid, dom få som lyckas vara grymmare
i dagsläget är dom två ovanstående. Eloge till Godis dock för att kunna hålla spelet på
den nivå han gör trots att jag tycker han är online mindre nu för tiden. Han vinner också,
Mingle har sina tricks i skjortärmen men en taggad Godis är rätt seg o hal ;)
Puffe, ja Puffe lirar du tillräckligt för att vara en toppspelare? Jag är tveksam, inte
mött Puffe nu på länge i några allvarligare sammanhang så svårt att göra en utvärdering. Men
kan inte tänka mig han når upp till sin gamla goda form, men jag har gärna fel.=D Kom igen
Puffe! Men..... han möter Englands överlägset bästa spelare, dessutom en spelare som verkar
ha hittat glädjen i spelet återigen. Cronos vet ni alla att jag pratar om, vem som helst
skulle få problem med en Cronos i storform. Smart drag av England sätta honom mot Puffe?
Det visar sig....
Päron, roligt att Päron kom med i landslaget faktiskt, lite oväntat från min sida. Men jag
tror Päron kommer göra riktigt bra ifrån sig, tycker att han har en likvärdig motståndare
så kommer bli en rolig match att följa. Hoppas Päron har en av sina bättre dagar på couronne
bordet för då blir det åka av..
Givetvis kommer Sverige att få kämpa, England är nog näst efter Sverige det bästa landet
representerat på shockplay.
Men mitt tips lyder England-Sverige 1-4
Match för match
Cronos-Puffe 2-1
andreasaswardh-Cardiak 2-0
King Elvis-Zimond 0-2
Päron-Dandare 2-1
Mingle-GodisGuden 1-2
Publikrekordet på shockplay är 37 stycken om jag minns rätt.
Nu tycker jag att vi visar vårat intresse för denna landskamp och slår det gamla rekordet.
Det börjar ju onekligen med en otroligt kul fajt mellan två giganter.
21.00 börjar Cronos v Puffe, missa inte det. Får England den start dom räknar med där kanske
dom kan skrälla?
Men viktigast av allt är givetvis att detta ska vara roligt. Inga huliganbråk :)
På återhörande
Martin aka Mr Daydreamer
MrD shares his oppinions about todays friendly game against England.
Hearby I would like to say a few words about the friendly game tonight.
As of course as many of you as possible should go watch. :)
Let me start by talking about the swedish team.
I believe that Sweden has a very strong troup, might have been even stronger before but
should be good enough to beat any shockplay nation as of today.
The troup.
The troups strongest name is Zimond, I think there is no doubt about that. An extremly
stable player with a big repertoire, mainly when it comes to the offencive game, but he
have very nice tactical skills, extremly hard to beat. He is, I think gonna beat King Elvis.
in two straight matches.
I don't know much about King Elvis, seems to be a good player, but he will not trouble
The strongest player after Zimond in my opinion, and I have no doubts about that either
is andreasaswardh.
He has developed a lot as a player, mainly in his offence. On top of that he is one of the
players when it comes to the tactical game when tap breaking, he will not be knocked down :)
Good decition by DaCa, 1 he could have taken a long time ago. Andreas opponent Cardiak,
good player, but from what I know he is not to kean on the defencive/tactical game,
big disadvantage when you play Andreas, no doubt.
GodisGuden always is and will always be GodisGuden, there is not terribly much new to say about
him, he will for sure be as mean as always, the few players that manage to be meaner up to
date are the two above. Praise to Godis, to manage to keep the game at the same level
depite the fact that he is less online nowadays. He will win though.
Mingle has a few up his sleave but a Godis on fire is pretty viscous and slippery ;)
Puffe, well Puffe are you playing enough to be concidered a top player? I have doubts, aint
met Puffe in a long time under any serious circumstances so it's hard to make an evaluation.
But I can't imagine that he measures up to his old self. Allthough I'll be glad to be wrong.=D
Come on Puffe! But..he will play Englands "King of couronne", furthermore a player that seems
to have found the joy in the game again. You all know I'm talking about Cronos.
Anyone would hav a problem with a Cronos playing at his best. Smart move by England matching
him against Puffe, time will tell......
Päron, nice that Päron made the national team actually, a bit unexpected if I may say. But
I believe Päron will do real good, in my opinion he has an equivalent opponent which means
it will be a fun game to watch. I hope Päron has one of his better days at the couronnetable
cause then your in for a ride..
Of course Sweden is gonna have to fight, England ought to be the best nation after Sweden,
represented on shockplay.
But here is the result as I think it will be England-Sweden 1-4
Match by match
Cronos-Puffe 2-1
andreasaswardh-Cardiak 2-0
King Elvis-Zimond 0-2
Päron-Dandare 2-1
Mingle-GodisGuden 1-2
The audience record so far is 37 if I recall right.
Now I think it is time to show our interest in this "friendly" fight and sweep away that
old record.
Without a doubt it starts off with a very fun game between two giants.
9.00pm starts Cronos v Puffe, don't miss it. If England gets the start they are counting on,
might they be able to surprise us?
But most important of course is to have fun. No fighting :)
Talk to ya later
Martin aka Mr Daydreamer
Pictures from The Party Night!
Hey Guys!!!
Here are some pics from our Party Night! ;)
The pictures speaks for themself, we had a good time!
// marru
Hej Guys!!
Här är lite bilder från våran Party Kväll! ;)
Bilderna talar för sig själv, vi hade svinkul!
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Party time
Hej!! Trevlig valborg till er alla!! ;)
Gör inget som vi inte skulle göra xD
/// The Party Trio AKA Marru, Katjziska and Mr Daydreamer!
Happy holidays!! (Walpurgis Night??)
Don't do anything we wouldnt xD
/// The Party Trio AKA Marru, Katjziska and Mr Daydreamer!
Marru in Div 1. Success or Failure? and some golden :P
Marru in Div 1. Success or Failure?
For you who doesnt know I made it up to Div 1 in couronne for the first time ever last week ^^,
I must say I really wasnt prepared on that, the games are so much different in div 1.
At least I think so because as some know I havent played so much pushing/tactic games yet..
I have 1-5 in games now *wiie* Well.. I think it has been fun (I already predict I wont still be there next week) :D
Now I have really experienced the 'real league' games.. yea I think the 'real' games starts from div 1!
So if I fall down back to div 2 on friday.. I'll be back soon ;)
Im glad I have played better than that in the new Golden round!!! =)
Now I have 4-2 there and my losses are against two really good players - Mr Daydreamer (1-3) and braverymonkey (2-3)..
How is it going for you guys, are you satisfied with your start in round 3?
Marru i Div 1. Framgång eller misslyckande?
För er som inte vet så kom jag upp till Div 1 i couronne för
första gången någonsin förra veckan ^^,
Jag var verkligen inte förberedd på hur spelet är där, matcherna är mycket annorlunda
i div 1.
I allafall tycker jag att dom är det eftersom att jag inte har spelat så mycket deff/taktik matcher än..
Jag har 1-5 i matcher nu *wiie* Aja.. Det har varit roligt (ja jag tror redan att jag inte kommer vara kvar där nästa vecka) :D
Nu har jag verkligen upplevt dom 'riktiga' liga matcherna, ja jag tycker att dom riktiga ligamatcherna från div 1!
Om jag ramlar tillbaka ner till div 2 på fredag så kommer jag tillbaka snart ;)
Jag är glad att jag har spelat bättre än det i den nya golden rundan!!! =)
Nu har jag 4-2 där och mina förluster är mot två riktigt bra spelare- Mr Daydreamer (1-3) och braverymonkey (2-3)..
Hur går det för er, är ni nöjda med eran start i runda 3?
Anything you want to know?
Next person in the Spotlight will be Katjziska!
If you have any questions you would want Mr Daydreamer to ask her, please tell your suggestions to him at Shockplay!
I'll start, Im sending Mr daydreamer a message right away! ;)
Thanks/ Marru
Spotlight is back!
Now the Spotlight is back =))
Thanks Mr Daydreamer for a good job, and Rocketman for participating!
Enjoy guys!
// Marru and Mats
With me here today on "Spotlight" I have Rocketman
Rocketman is one of the creators of shockplay. Probably the brains behind it ;)
Whats your real name?
Per Ekstig
How old are you Per?
Ok Per. We also have to start with asking you about your civil status, I mean for all
the luck seekers out there? :)
I have a girlfriend.
Sorry everyone :)
Ok, if we try starting from the beginning here.
First, how did you come up with the idea to create shockplay, and when was this?
In the year 2000 I founded my company, Raketspel, together with two partners:
Johan "Hammarn" Höglund and Oskar "Pixel Pusher" Andersson. Our objective was to
create fun web games, and also make more traditional CD-ROM based multimedia.
In 2001, I got the idea to make a Table Tennis game. It was just a small singleplayer
game, but almost everyone that tried it was hooked, and it spread widely on the web.
We decided to build a Community around this game, and added more games.
In December 2001 we launched Shockplay 1.0. It was a gaming site with 7 singleplayer
games, and it was free of charge.
At first shockplay was a singleplayer version only with table tennis, what made you
decide to make a multiplayer version?
We got hundreds of requests to make the Table Tennis game multiplayer, and this was a
tough challenge for us, and to cover the development costs and the server costs, we
made Shockplay to a pay-to-play site, and we also added more features, like buddy list,
PM, more multiplayer games: Couronne, Backgammon, etc.
How about an economical question? :)
Is shockplay the big source of income or is it programming for others or what is
that you make a living on?
The truth is that Shockplay stands for less than 10% of our income. We build a lot of
other games to make a living. But, since Shockplay is our own community, and since
there are so many active players that help us run the community, we feel that it has
great potential, and we want to improve Shockplay in every way we can.
Do you need another job on the side of this?
Yes, we have lots of clients, and the problem is that we find it difficult to get the
time to work with Shockplay as much as we would like.
So is your "rear end" (could be children accessing this sight) glued to the office
chair or does this job mean you are sitting at the coffee table being lazy all day? =D
Personally, I love my job, and I cant wait to get to the office every morning when I
wake up.
Yeye that didn't really answer the question did it :D
Can you tell us a bit about what it is you really do? Think many people
might be interested in knowing!
I am a programmer. This means that I write the logic in the games. I use Adobe Director
Shockwave Studio and Java to create the games. Often I build a small prototype without
any fancy graphics, just to see if the game idea is enough fun.
Is shockplay your work or does raketspel mean that you have
other obligations as well?
Well, we today Raketspel have 7 employees. We have several other projects, but one of
our goals is to make Shockplay bigger than it is today, but it will take time and money
to improve Shockplay with more games and features, and in order to afford this development,
we build and sell other games for other clients.
Enough about work it's boring :)
Lets talk about the people inside the great world of multiplayer games.
ok, shoot!
Who was the first ever member at shockplay?
Magnus "Mc Mongo" was the first member. But he is one of the guys working at Raketspel,
actually he is the one that made the database with all the users, so of course he took
the no.1 spot in the database.
The "oldest" member who is still a member at Shockplay is tommylu, the "shanghai pro"
He became member 2002-11-04
And then comes: Thorleifa, Sara, Surfin, Haney, andreas.carlsson, Samson, Kru, goran34,
How did you get people to join shockplay from the start?
We have done very little marketing, a few tests with affiliate networks that did not
work so well, but,, a few players found it, and then it was spread "word of mouth".
How many active members are there as of today? And are double accounts counted for? :P
Around 1000 accounts are active today.
About the double accounts, is that a problem that you try to keep track of or don't you
see it as a problem?
Sometimes it can be a problem. We do not allow 2 players that use the same IP to play
in the same group in the league.
Ok this is getting too serious hehe
Lets see whom your favourite member(s) is/are? ;)
oh, I have so many good friends there...let's see...torkelsnorkel, Joe Killer, Chris,
Vicky, Redhead, Mayhem.
I have a question I have been wondering about, maybe there are more who did.
You are Rocketman, but then there is Rocketkid, Rocketgirl, and RocketDJ. And these are
people that have had more or less responsobility on shockplay. Who are they? And did they
choose names themselves or did you give them those names?
We created the users Rocketkid and RocketGirl with some special features for recruiting
new members.
A member (chris) who is a DJ used to send a shockplay web radio, and that is why he got
this user, RocketDJ.
Alright here is a nutcracker for you, someone needs to sort this out and be honest about
this. Who is really the best female player on shock all times, in your opinion?
Oh, I think Katjziska is the best female couronne player, and Wickey27 is the best
"female" tabletennis player.
In backgammon there are several good female players.
Eh what the heck, male aswell, who is the best?
I'd say Hektor.
But once in a time, it was me! Before we launched Shockplay 2.0 with couronne,
I bug-tested the game a lot, and when we launched it in december 2002, I was the best
player :) I even felt bad dominating the game that newcomers tried to so hard to master...
I even played with my left hand just to give them a chance to win a set once in a while...
It took 2 months before a member got good enough to beat me. But soon after that I have
fell way behind the top players.
Alright, there we had som bragging aswell :)
About the couronne game!
In my opinion: Müller was very close to perfection when it came to the tactical game
in league and I'd say that GodisGuden, Zimond and maybe Hektor are two steps infront of
others when it comes to "skillplaying" sweeping and finding ways to like I call it
"refurnish", do you think we are getting close to the end when it comes to
the development in the game, has the top skill level been reached?
I have constantly been amazed of the new discoveries that members have come up with, e.g.
the different kind of trick shots. And back in 2003 there was a fight between those that
did not accept pushing, and those that did. There was a group that called themself NCP
(no chicken play) that swore to never play chicken (no pushing) and then the opposite
group, CPFL (Chicken-play for life) that used pushing as much as possible. I was myself
a member of NCP. And there was a lot of speculation if NCP was doomed to fail. Later,
players like inqy and Hektor proved that it is possible to play offensive and handle most
pushers quite well. So the game has evolved and is still evolving, but in smaller steps.
So I do not think the "top skill level" has been reached, although I have no idea how
the skill level can become even better.
There are glitches in couronne, for example, rings get stuck on eachother once in a while
and the yellow goes in the hole if you put it o close, even though you hit it forward
(I call it reverse physics ^^) is this something that will be looked at?
Yes, actually I spent a week trying to fix this glitch, and I managed to fix it, but,
as a side effect, the physics of the game was a little bit different, so that is why I
never launch that version. Lots of players would complain, even though I just change a
microscopic detail of the physics.
Ok I think questions about the game are gonna show up again real soon.
Reason for this is that, (as probaly everyone knows by now) a new version of shockplay
is to come in the near future, isn't that right?
Yes, we are working on Shockplay 3.0.
Can you please tell us all something about the new version that we don't know?
Sorry. we want the new features Shockplay 3.0 to be a surprise.
What is the purpose of this update? What do you want to achieve with it?
Several reasons:
- Today we have the resources we need to update shockplay.
- We want to do some marketing to try to get more players to join Shockplay, but before
we do that, we need to update our servers and software so we can handle more players.
- Lots of players want to help us administrating leagues, tournaments, and stuff, but
we lack the admin functions for them to do so.
- When we built Shockplay, many players had slow modem connections. Nowadays almost
eveyone has cable modem or better. So we have now better possibilities to make better
features and games.
- The current version is a bit old fashioned. We want to update the user interface
the code behind it too.
Ok enough about that, we will be back with more questions when the actual update is done.
But when can we count on that the update will be finished and made?
We have not gone public with the date yet.
Up for some personal questions :) ?
Starting with a shockplay question haha.
What do you like best about being a member at shockplay?
Getting friends from all around the world. And I love to play chess.
What do you do in your spare time?
At the moment i'm trying my best to get in a good shape for a bicycle race (vätternrundan).
I'm also like to practise juggling with clubs, balls and tourches.
Ok, that ought to be interesting if we will have a "shockplayparty" in the future.
We have entertainment folks :)
What would you do if you won a lot of money?
I would invest it in my company, and make it possible for us to work 10 months with only
shockplay and nothing else. But, I doubt I will win that kind of money, because I never
play on any lottery. I calculate the probability to win, and the odds are seldom to my
advantage :P
Or maybe you have loads of money ? :D Thanks to Shockplay :P
Unfortunately that is not the case.
Whats your favourite song, and group?
Rocketman by Red Elvises :)
You can listen to it here:
Awesome, thank you for sharing the song, might that be a reason for his shockplay nick? ;)
A general question about shockplay.
There are a few couples that has met here am I right?
Which once do you know of?
Yes, it is wonderful that couples have met here. Im afraid I might be wrong about this,
but I think these players met through shockplay: Petrify and Marru, Katjziska and
Mr Daydreamer, and Goodman1967 met someone, i forgot her name.
Thats 1 of 3, good work ^^
Was Katjziska that made friends with Petrify, and then one thing lead to another =) However, Marru and Petrify are no longer together.
And I give you a wrong answer for not knowing the name of the one Goodman met.
Maybe you can see shockplay as a matchmaking site :)?
That's a cool side-effect. I see Shockplay as a friendly community where you have fun
and meet lots of new friends. That some players meet their love of their life is a bonus :)
How about a trick one?
If a rooster sits high up in a tree facing the east, and then the rooster lays an egg.
Which direction will the egg drop?
Well that ought to be....... roosters don't lay eggs :)
Oh darn, you were not as easely fooled as woodchip :P
Ok last but not least, what is your shoe size?
Thank you very much Per for taking the time to answer these questions.
And it is not Pers fault that this program is delayed.
Coveridge from the local rugby championships is the reason.
Nothing we could do about it, I know it sucks!
We did try to pay them off though.
(no, my fault :/)
See you next week on "Spotlight" :D
Martin // aka Mr Daydreamer
04-21 rogerdeathmaker
All are welcome to come wirh a opinion to me or marru so should we public it...
Roger den första över 100 elitveckor, de videon är solklart bra att kolla och han är på väg tillbaka efter att ha nått sitt mål han pysslat med nu bli bäst i sverige på fotboll....

Give away games or pure manipulation?!
Here comes Dacas latest text from his blog translated into english!
Hope its translated well enough for ya ;)
Give away games or pure manipulation?!
One of the subjects I get to deal much with as admin in the league is these games that are given away for different reasons. In the beginning of the week the problem rarely shows up, its in the end of the week it does.
Therefore and for just that reason I am sure there in certain spread manipulation happens in the league.
It has of course happen on and off in periods since the league started for at the most 4 years ago.
Have also noticed the higher up in the league system you get more "give away games" are found.
This problem was tremendous for about 2 years ago when matches was given away a lot.
Now it is quite unusual, luckily (as I see it).
Some examples on what I mean:
Eliteweek, Thursday night, 2 persons got chance on the gold and all games except one are played. One of the players wins gold if he wins the game, the other dont have anything to play for. There the bidding starts. If the 2 players are buddies the risk is overwhelming that a given game will happen "manipulation".
The same concerns if it is lowering for someone and it is the last game for that league week and 2 buddies plays- a given game happens, not always of course but this situation often shows up.
If some player already decided to resign the league and doesnt play for lets say 3 days.. And then plays 3-4 games against buddies in the league and after that leave the league.
Daca goes in and resets the 4 games and its a total fuzz about it.
I can just as well say that I always reset all games in a division there someone resigned before Thursday morning. If the resign is done during Thursday or Friday I consider the situation...
If someone resign and regrets it , its faar away from sure that the person can get back to the league at the same place again, it really requires a solid explanation for that.
I 8 cases of 10 my answer is no..
If some old player wants to get back to the league after a long break and directly put in the higher division my answer in 10 cases of 10 is no. Everyone has to start from the beginning again..
Back to "the give away game subject"..
I consider that if you give away a game in a league/tour you are with to cause a obvious manipulation, thats just what a given game is all about. And with manipulate a league means that you affect a leagues outcome.
I dont write this to ?hang out' any players, you just got to ransack yourself and your sportmanship.
However , I will from now on I will be harsh in this matter.
Its hard to prove a obvious case of manipulation, but in some cases no direct proof is needed, it can speak for itself.. In addition if several of spectators see what is happening.. Or if the spectator function is shut off so no one can see the game, and suddenly, the game ended just in the way it was forced to end so a given game would get its proper function... Someone maybe got higher up in the league or avoided to drop down in the league.
From now on I will as admin deal with all the reports and look over them. If I consider it was a manipulation I will warn the concerned players (you are always at least 2 about it)... It can be seen as a yellow card if we compare with football...
If it happens again I will give out a red card and that player will exactly like in football, be banished.
Then I will exclude that player from future league/tours for a longer time.. Minimum for 3 months depending on how broad it was and how many players were negatively affected by it.
To sum up it have to be a end to that we have a league which have to settle on given games/buddiegames/manipulation/someone refuses to play/take advantages with plus and so on...
So all affected and also you others.. Play fair and be a good sportsman/woman, it will pay of in the long run and we all get a nicer climate in the league and the most important of all, it will be settled in the right way!!
// Couronneleagues constant 'cheathunter' - administrator DaCa....
Spotlight delayed
So hang in there so long ;)

Klumpen/The Lump
Klumpens sista tid på shock.
Klumpen tycker att han är mannen på shock och att då är det okej att leka king off the hill.
Kul grej är det för lilla Klumpen att göra narr av folk,aaa fan typ hur kan du slå MIG, EGOT MIG Eller DEN han är ju BRA.
Men lilla Klumpen man ska inte begära att alla förstår så svåra saker, Räcker att veta jag är king off the hill"LER"
Vad Klumpen inte hajar är att folk tycker det är konstigt och man reagerar på när han ger ut sina order om att lägg dig i den matchen nu så klarar han sig den eller den.
Empati så långt har Klumpen inte hunnit i skolboken..............
Så han tycker det är konstigt att nästan alla riktigt bra är trevliga och uppmuntrande...
Men det är kanon för lilla Klumpen, han slipper räkna får på på kvällarna.
Men det är bra så slipper lilla Klump att räkna får, det kan ju va riktigt jobbigt:) 51,52,53, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Klumpen laddar för nya äventyr och återkommer..
The Lump's last time on shock.
The Lump thinks he's the man on shock and that its okey to play the king of the hill.
Its just a fun thing for little Lump to make fun of people, aaa damn like how can you beat ME, THE EGO ME or THAT ONE cause he is GOOD.
But little Lump, one cant ask that all understand so difficult things, Its enough to know that I am king of the hill *smiles*
What the Lump doesnt get is that people think its weird and react when he gives out his orders about to lay down in a game so the opponent makes it or another one.
Empathy, that faar hasnt the Lump get to read about in the schoolbooks........
So he thinks its weird that almost all good players are nice and encouraging...
But its great for the little Lump, he gets off counting sheeps at nights.
But its good så the little Lump gets off counting sheeps, it can be really tough :) 51,52,53, zzzzzzzzzzz
The Lump is loading for new adventures and returns...
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marru is in the house ^^
Heey folks!
I'm here to help Wolfy out with his blog :)
I want to get discussions started in english too so sometimes there will be contributions in
english only -so you swedish ppl, only comments in english to those please :)
Are there anything special you want me and Wolfy to write about?
All doesnt have to be about the Golden tour, it can be about the different leagues, tour games,
point games.. favorite players.. yea there are much that can be said, we can write about
anything you want.. Oh well not anything, but almost.. we arent impossible ;)
I can start I would like to know why you play at shockplay, for fun or do you have anything you
want to achieve?
Like sweeps, get a elite gold in some league, points..or so on :)
I've always played couronne for fun but now when Golden started I've started to practice my
'league tactics' a bit more.
And it has payed off, in some games at least :)
And I joined backgammon league again after being away two (whole) weeks ^^ Got up from div 2
right away so now im going to fight with you guys in div 1 to get back to elite ;)
The reason I joined again is that my sis Kat is taking so many elite golds now and I need to try
to catch up to her level! So wish me good luck =D
Okay.. come on now, dont keep me (us) hanging :)
Anything u want to write or us to write about is good.
Muller Mathilda:)
Muller? Ja säg det *S* Njuter lite nu för nu vet jag många som blev nyfikna,måste ju få retas lite inte bara statisstik:)Ler
Kram Mats